February 15, 2011


Life is changing again for us. We are packing. We are moving soon. We will leave my sister's home in the next couple of weeks. Finally, we will be able to unpack bags that have been lingering for six months. We are excited but I am understanding that very soon things will never be the same. You see, my nephew is 17, a senior in high school and in a few short months he will be heading off to army bootcamp. I can't believe it. I was there the day he was born as my sister labored him into this world. Time has gone so fast. He is changing into a man before our eyes. I am watching my sister let him go so he can take off and become who he needs to be. It is so interesting to watch yet scary because I know before too long it will be my turn. I don't think I am ready but then I am not sure a mother ever truly is, right?
My nephew Tailor.
 The cousins together.

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