January 25, 2011

House Hunt

We are still in the process of trying to buy a house. We have two that we are vascillating about and contemplating putting in an offer on both of them to see which one comes back positively. I am not sure either of us have the emotional energy and strength to keep going forward in this endeavor. We try to continually keep it before the Lord yet we find ourselves struggling. When we came back to the US we intended to return to Mozambique and that changed. We have accepted that and are trying to settle into our new life here. We would like to own a home but because we owe money for our return tickets from Africa we are limited. Should we buy now? Should we wait and work to pay off that debt and then reconsider buying?
What frustration we experience having debt again. We have traveled this road before. It was not pleasant and we worked hard for years, often sacraficing the best of ourselves, with our relationship paying the cost at times to get out of debt. Yet here we are again, even though we promised ourselves we never would be, finding ourselves in bondage because of air travel. Honestly, we are confused. We don't understand why the funds did not come in to cover this expense. We don't understand why when we are simply trying to follow His leading we feel such bondage. We are contemplating just taking a pause if neither of these houses work out and renting for a while. We need a place to call our own for a while, even if it is an apartment. We need to settle and unpack something.
Having said all this we continue to trust Him and know He has a plan in it all. We look for His faithfulness and mighty hand in it all. Trying to keep our eyes on Him and not life's circumstances. We would appreciate your prayers for us to be able to do that these days.

January 21, 2011

Being Creative

Today we concluded the first unit of our new curriculum, Paths of Settlement. To wrap up this unit the boy were required to make presentation highlighting some of the things they learned. They did a good job and had fun with it as well.

I was reminded as I look around our little "house" room that regardless of the cramped quarters my boys seem to be thriving. Lately they have taken to doing various "art" projects. Some for home school and some by their own choice. I see inspiration. I see creativity. I see discovering minds. I see love and life that God has given them.

I decided to take photos of some of their projects. As I did, I was reminded that we are all creative in our own ways. So often we tend to feel that we only have creative moments. My hope is to see my boys be creative. To be creative is to express the goodness of God freely, to share with the world parts of who you are, and to allow yourself the freedom to not worry of others acceptance but be true to yourself. I want my boys to feel unintimidated by others judgements, confident that what they have to share is worthwhile and joyful at expressing themselves.

My children teach me all the time. I am mindful that we are to be like little children before the Father. Unashamed, unworldly, not consumed with pride, able to freely love and genuinely express all that is in our hearts to God and others.
Nate's watercolor of foliage

The scarf Micah crocheted for me for Christmas

Nate's alien village

Micah's watercolor.

Micah's Drawing

January 20, 2011

More Snow...and Even More to Come

We have had snow once again. So far we are up to 28 inches this January.
Tomorrow we are supposed to receive another 5-9 inches. We'll see.
So far, the boys are quite content with it all and enjoying every minute they can outside.
Later this week it is supposed to get cold (-5 to -15) so we will let them play now while they can.

January 14, 2011


I have a dear friend. Her name is Julie. She's Australian.
We have known one another for many years. Fifteen, I think.
She will probably not like that I am talking about her.

But you see this week she has been inspiring me. More than usual.

Most will have heard of the horrible floods in Australia. She lives where it has all been happening. Although her family's home was not directly affected she has been struck. She is sad for the suffering in her home country. She is feeling for her neighbors. She is helping her friends.
Reaching out to others during desperate times. And I am proud of her.
She's reminded me this week that we are always called to reach out to
 help any of those in need around us.
Thanks Jules.
It's an honor to call you my friend.
Please pray for the people of Australia struggling to put their lives back together.

The More I Seek You

"The more I seek you, the more I find you.
The more I find you, the more I love you.
I want to sit at your feet, drink from the cup in your hand,
lay back against you and breath, feel your heartbeat.
This love is so deep, it's more than I can stand.
I melt in your peace, it's overwhelming."-Kari Jobe

Worthy of Meditation

"Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things."-Phillipians 4:8

Lately, I have been reading a blog called, "A Holy Experience."
It has often challenged me and most days I feel it truly is a holy experience.
It has been good for my soul. It's inspired me to dig deeper into God's grace and rest in His love.
Many days it causes me to pause, to re-evaluate things, to take inventory, to ask myself the hard questions, to humble myself, to give thanks, to weep, to repent, to celebrate, to pray.
"He is love, the tender Physician God who keeps tab of the every ache, a doting Father who soul-fissures when His child cries, the God who keeps the ledgers of every pain, every scrape, every brimming, falling, searing tear."
"It’s what you’re doing in the quiet and the hidden that speaks the loudest."
"If God makes a list of my laments, I will make a list of God’s love.
If God has a list of my pain, I will make a list of my praise.
If God writes a list of my tears, I will write a list of my thanks.

It’s Love that makes God and I list keepers.
And keeping the list of His love, keeps me in joy."
"Only speak words that make souls stronger."
"God, hear me saying….
I am dry and brittle and
ready to snap.
God, I hear You saying…
How else to be kindling for
a burning bush?"
"Forget figuring out how to form a habit. I’m not there yet. First, what are the few habits worth wearing?"
"The way in which we live our moments, our choices for the gift of the next 24 hours, are rungs on a ladder. The rungs take us somewhere. These moments are rungs scaling each and everyday… making a life."

January 13, 2011

A Family Snow Day

Today we had the pleasure of having a "Family Snow Day."
Marc was told to not bother coming into work so after school it was time to play.

Warm cookies always make coming inside better.

The warm woodstove helps feel cozy.

January 6, 2011

Deeper, Intimate Worship

I have hesitated to post yet this new year. I don't know what to say. I can not truly express all I am feeling. I am in a state of brokenness, in so many ways. Brokenness is not always bad. It hurts, it's raw, it's honest, it's vulnerable. I trust He is building me up from the ground once again. He has impressed on me during this first week of 2011 that He is drawing me near. He desires DEEPER, MORE INTIMATE WORSHIP. That is where I am. Learning, humbling myself, allow myself to be broken, trusting.