May 24, 2011

Blessed to Love Him...

This afternoon I called my husband at work. I nearly never do this and honestly expected that I would only be leaving a message on the cell phone as usually in the mechanic shop he can't hear it ring anyway. That was fine with me because I just felt the need, the longing to tell him how much I love him and appreciate him. Nothing unique, nothing life shaking, but just to build him up with words and love. The need to express how blessed I know I am to be his wife, his partner in this life. I was surprised when he answered the phone. I had butterflies in my stomach, excited and nervous all at once, telling him why I had called. How blessed am I to be loved by this man that loves me deeply and so well in every way he knows.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's so COOL! And love grows even deeper as the years go by. We are so, so thankful that God put you 2 together! FOREVER!
We love you and thank God for you - DAD & MOM