June 23, 2009

Jesus Loves the Little Children

Today I woke up knowing God was telling me that I had to share during our Sunday service with the orphans. I was willing although it is not my normal position but kept asking the Lord all morning what I am to share with these kids. The Lord laid on my heart 1 Jn. 4:7-8 and gave me the words to share with them about how much He loves them and that His love inside of them allows His love to pour out of them. They needed to hear that although they have difficult lives and often feel and are abandoned HE LOVES THEM and JESUS DIED FOR THEM BECAUSE HE LOVES THEM SO MUCH. At the end during my closing prayer I was pouring my heart out before the Lord asking Him to show them and let them feel and know His love. Tears were streaming down my face and all I could say was "Jesus please show them they need to know." We all need to know, right? Please pray for these little ones to truly know and comprehend that HE loves them.

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