November 24, 2009


We all WORSHIP. The question is not IF we worship but WHAT we worship. I have been leading, I would rather say participating since I am getting so much out of it, in a ladies Bible study by Beth Moore called "Living Free." That woman always seems to get right to the heart of matters. She ushers me into some serious heart searching and re-evaluation of my walk /relationship with Him. In a good way.

We have been looking at strongholds, how to have freedom from them and what things in our life hinder us from walking truly free. To me the study is proving to be a deep, valuable wealth of God's word applied practically. To begin with we spent sometime learning what a stronghold in our lives would be. For me this was an amazing measure to weigh things against. I would encourage you to do the same.

TO IDENTIFY A STRONGHOLD would be to ask yourself is there anything that:
  1. Steals our focus
  2. Causes us to feel overpowered, controlled or mastered.
  3. Consumes so much of our emotional and mental energy that is strangles our abundant life.
  4. Leaves our callings unfullfilled.
  5. Makes our lives of belief ineffective.
Many things can hinder us but I find in my own life more often than not I have put something in the place where the one true GOD belongs (allowed a stronghold) and am serving a thing. Often in the end it serves to give me the self-seeking glory I am after. What is being so magnified  in our lives, in our spiritual eyes that we allow it to take God's position? My prayer is that each of us would walk in the true liberty that Christ has died for us to have and no longer give position to anything other than God alone in our lives.

Pretty sure I will blog more about what deep treasures I am finding in this study. Hope that someone else will benefit from it as much as I have. 

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